Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Beer Review: Kronenbourg 1664

Last night I had dinner at Les Halles on Park Ave. As the Les Halles restaurants are said to be the home base of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain I was hoping for good things from both the food and the beer. Sadly, I was disappointed at both ends. Since this isn't a food blog I'll just say my NY sirloin was about 30% fat that I couldn't even eat and the remaining steak was nothing better than what I would pick up from Stop and Shop. Onto the beer...

I was very disappointed with the selection. On tap there was Kronenbourg 1664, Brooklyn Pennant Ale, and Stella Artois. Most of their bottles were typical restaurant offerings - Corona, Amstel, Sam Adams, and Rolling Rock. Who serves Rolling Rock anymore? There were a few different bottles of Chimay, but I wasn't in the mood for that.

I ordered a Kronenbourg and when the waiter brought it he informed me that it was from a new keg. I found that nugget of information very interesting because the beer tasted flat. My dinner partner (not Lobster) liked the beer, but he rarely drinks so his opinion pretty much gets disregarded. The beer was very bland and tasted like beer-flavored water. Whether or not it was a bad keg, I will not be drinking Kronenbourg again. Even carbonation could not have saved that drink.

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